Vegan Lobster Bisque
Vegan Lobster Bisque
- 1 Can heart of palm
- 1 TBS paprika poweder
- 1 TBS olive oil
- 5 tablespoons butter
- 1/2 onion diced
- 3 teaspoon Old Bay
- 4 cloves garlic minced
- 3 TBS all-purpose flour
- 1 TBS tomato paste
- 1 TBS Worcestershire sauce
- 1 cup Sauvignon blanc
- 2 cups vegan chicken/vegetable broth
- 1-2 tsp nori powder/seaweed powder/seaweed salt
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp fresh thyme, rosemary, basil chopped, parsley
- Sourdough bread
- Drain heart of palms & slice in half. Mix paprika & a few drops of water. You’re trying to make a thick looking “sauce”. Use a pastry brush to paint the round top of the heart of palms.
- Melt 2 TBS of butter & add HOP. Cook until the bottom is slightly browned then turn over& cook for another 3min. Remove from heat & set aside.
- Melt 2TBS butter and oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onions and cook until translucent. Add Old Bay & garlic & cook until fragrant.
- Sprinkle the flour in & mix until the onions form clumps. Cook for about 3min being careful not to burn it.
- Stir in tomato paste & Worcestershire sauce cook for 1 minute.
- Add wine & reduce heat to a simmer. Stir occasionally while the mixture begins to thicken & bubble for 3min.
- Pour in the broth & sea powder. Stir until combined then add half of the heart of palms. Cover & continue to simmer for 30min.
- While the bisque is cooking. Chop the rest of the heart of palms. You want them to look like clumps of lobster meat. You’ll use this as garnish later.
- Turn off the heat & allow bisque to cool. Once cooled, transfer to a blender & blend until smooth.
- Pour blended bisque back into the pot & turn the heat on low. Mix in remaining butter, salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary & basil. Cook for 5 minutes. Season to taste. Remove from heat & serve.
Wow, “if you’re a prince I’ll marry you!” Thank you got your genius 💓🍀💓